A Stronger and Better KCOA,
Your Vote
Make It Count!
Starts with,
Better Leadership
From Better Healthcare Advocacy to Career Development
Vote Moses Matole
Key Priorities That Will Guide My Work
There are many issues facing our community, but as your representative, I have identified several key priorities that I believe require immediate attention
Expanding Membership: Strength in Numbers
The foundation of any robust professional society is its membership.
Strategic Policies, Advocacy, and Collaboration
Advocacy for quality healthcare and professional growth requires strategic policies and strong collaborations.
Enhancing Branding and Visibility
The visibility of our profession is paramount.
Robust Financial Management
Transparency and accountability in financial management are crucial for building trust and ensuring the sustainability of our association.
I am guided by a set of core values and beliefs that inform my decisions and actions, such as:
♦ Equality, professional development and compassion
♦ Accountability and fiscal responsibility
♦ Integrity, honesty and trustworthiness
♦ Innovation, progress and sustainability
Key Deliverables
I am committed to increase our Membership by 50% from the registered 3,800 members which only constitutes 21.11% of the current 18.000* Clinical Officers in Kenya!*
Financial Transparency
I will push for the development of a comprehensive financial management system that provides regular updates on fund utilization, accessible via the KCOA website.
Branding & Visibility
I will ensure a robust branding and visibility strategy is put in place to ensure visibility of our profession to the public and relevant stakeholders.
Biennial Awards
I will advocate for the roll out of biennial membership awards recognition, discounts on professional development courses and incentives for active members!